Response classes

class aiogithub.objects.BaseObject(document)

Bases: dict

Base class for all data objects

class aiogithub.objects.BaseResponseObject(client, document=None, limits=None, links=None, fetch_params=None)

Bases: aiogithub.objects.response.BaseObject

Base class for objects where the contained data corresponds to a response payload of a particular GitHub API URL

coroutine fetch_data()
class aiogithub.objects.PaginatedListProxy(client, url, element_type, fetch_params)

Bases:, typing.Generic

Public interface to paginated objects

coroutine all()

Returns all items in the collection. This will fetch all result pages that haven’t already been fetched.

Use limit() when listing large data sets (e.g. all public users) to avoid making a large number of HTTP requests and exhausting your API limits.


Limits the number of items returned by all() or when iterating through the collection elements (using async for).

Use when listing large data sets (e.g. all public users) to avoid making a large number of HTTP requests and exhausting your API limits.