
Development status

This library is a work in progress. So far, select read operations have been implemented.

A note about asyncio

aiogithub is written on top of asyncio and aiohttp. You should have a basic grasp of asynchronous programming using asyncio in Python 3 before using this library.

In particular, using of the library generally occurs in an async def function. Calls to coroutine functions would normally be preceded with await, and async for would normally be used with asynchronous iterables.

A simple example

import asyncio

from aiogithub import GitHub

async def main():
    async with GitHub() as api:
        user = await api.get_user('reupen')
        # user is also a dict, so you can see the underlying data via print(user)

        # Get this user's repos. There's no need to worry about
        # pagination – you can simply iterate over list objects like
        # this and pages will be retrieved as needed:
        async for repo in user.get_repos():
            pass # Do something with each repo here

        # Or you can fetch the entire list like this:
        repos = await user.get_repos().all()
        # Do something with repos


The GitHub class

The GitHub class is the main entry point into aiogithub functionality. It is a wrapper around an aiohttp ClientSession object, which means that you automatically benefit from connection pooling. You should use the object as a context manager to make sure the session is closed as soon as you are done with it.


You can make a limited number of requests to the GitHub API unauthenticated, but for most purposes you will want to be authenticated. To authenticate with GitHub using aiogithub, you should use a personal access token. You can generate a personal access token in your GitHub settings.

aiogithub will use the value of the the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to authenticate with GitHub if it is set. You can also pass a token to GitHub (which will override any value in the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable)::

with GitHub(token='a_personal_access_token') as api: